This manual is for spell version 0.0.3.
The spell library provides protocols and implementations of those protocols for automatic spell-checking and suggestion of likely corrections. In addition to the spelling of words, dictionary entries contain information about word types and properties of the words such as case, gender and number. At the moment, English is the only supported language.
This chapter describes the external protocols provided by the spell library.
This protocol provides the highest level of abstraction within the spell library. The protocol consists of a few functions that perform the most common operations with minimal setup effort.
Return a (possibly empty) list of entries in the English dictionary the spelling of which matches string.
The returned entries are instances of word
More than one entry in the dictionary can match string due to
different word types or multiple combinations of properties within a
word type that share a common spelling.
Note that clients which are interested only in the validity of string and not in the matching dictionary entries can treat the return value as a generalized Boolean.
(spell:english-lookup "lithp") ⇒ NIL (spell:english-lookup "lisp") ⇒ (#<EXPLICIT-BASE-VERB "lisp" person:ANY number:ANY ... infinitive:SELF {1004ED5993}> #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN "lisp" number:SINGULAR case:NIL gender:NIL {1004ED3533}>)
Check the paragraph of English text string for spelling errors and return a list of detected errors.
The return value of this function is a possibly empty list of entries of
the form (start-index . end-index)
. The
start-index and end-index within each entry designate a
sub-string of string that corresponds to a misspelled word.
(spell:english-check-paragraph "In Polish, a horse is koń, and in German, it's das Pferd.") ⇒ ((22 . 25) (47 . 50) (51 . 56))
The three pairs in the result correspond to sub-strings that are not valid English words:
(loop :with string = "In Polish, a horse is koń, and in German, it's das Pferd." :for (start . end) :in (spell:english-check-paragraph string) :collect (subseq string start end)) ⇒ ("koń" "das" "Pferd")
Entries in spell dictionaries are conceptually pair: an (implicit) string that is the spelling and a word object that characterizes the word type and the type-specific properties of the word. Word objects are instance of subclasses of word. spell defines the following sub-classes of word and associated readers:
word +-adjective +-adverb +-conjunction | `-subordinate +-determiner | +-article | +-demonstrative-adjective | +-interrogative-adjective | +-possessive-adjective | `-quantifier +-interjection +-noun | +-noun-verb-contraction | `-proper-noun +-preposition +-pronoun | +-demonstrative-pronoun | +-personal-pronoun | +-possessive-pronoun | `-reflexive-pronoun `-verb +-noun-verb-contraction `-verb-verb-contraction
Superclass for all word classes.
Return the base word of word.
For words of type noun, the base word is usually the nominative, singular variant of the word.
For words of type verb, the base word is usually the infinitive variant of the word.
Instances represent adjectives, that is a property of a noun together with the degree of that property.
Return a keyword which indicates the degree for word.
Possible values are :positive
, :comparative
and :superlative
zinkier | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADJECTIVE "zincy" degree:COMPARATIVE {1003D28FF3}> |
wroughter | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADJECTIVE "wrought" degree:COMPARATIVE {1003CD6E33}> |
well-wornest | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADJECTIVE "well-worn" degree:SUPERLATIVE {1003BC5783}> |
unstoppably | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADVERB "unstoppably" {1003895EC3}> |
twistingly | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADVERB "twistingly" {100378F923}> |
together | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADVERB "together" {10035D3933}> |
Direct instances represent conjunctions, that is words which connect sentences or clauses.
seeing | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-CONJUNCTION "seeing" {10021499C3}> |
providing | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-CONJUNCTION "provided" {1001B82F73}> |
either | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-CONJUNCTION "either" {1006E22EF3}> |
Instances represent subordinates, that is conjunctions which connect a dependent and an independent clause.
whether | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-SUBORDINATE "whether" {1003C041E3}> |
that | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-SUBORDINATE "that" {10034E4F83}> |
if | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-SUBORDINATE "if" {1006E22F83}> |
Instances are determiners, that is words which determine one or more aspect, such as the grammatical number, of a noun. Also a superclass for several more specific determiner classes.
Return a keyword which indicates the number for entities related to word.
If word is a verb, the keyword indicates the number of agents who perform the action.
If word is a noun, the keyword indicates the number of objects or people the noun refers to. Similarly for pronouns.
If word is a determiner (or a more specific word sub type), the number refers to the associated noun.
Possible values are :any
, :singular
and :plural
Instances are articles, that is determiners which specify whether a noun refers to a particular or an arbitrary entity.
Return a Boolean which indicates whether the noun associated with word refers to particular or an arbitrary entity.
the | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ARTICLE "the" number:SINGULAR determinate:T {10035318E3}> |
a | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ARTICLE "a" number:SINGULAR determinate:NIL {1006E22F33}> |
an | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ARTICLE "an" number:SINGULAR determinate:NIL {1006E22F43}> |
Instances represent demonstrative adjectives, that is determiners which highlight the fact that an associated noun is identifiable from the context.
this | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-DEMONSTRATIVE-ADJECTIVE "this" number:SINGULAR {1003549873}> |
these | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-DEMONSTRATIVE-ADJECTIVE "these" number:PLURAL {10035304D3}> |
Instances represent interrogative adjectives, that is adjectives
which | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-INTERROGATIVE-ADJECTIVE "which" number:ANY {1003C05583}> |
what | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-INTERROGATIVE-ADJECTIVE "what" number:ANY {1003BFD033}> |
Instances represent possessive adjectives, that is determiners which mark a noun as being possessed by another entity.
Return a keyword which indicates the grammatical number of the possessing entity referenced by word.
Possible values are :any
, :singular
and :plural
Return a keyword which indicates the grammatical person of entities associated with word.
Possible values are :any
, :first
, :second
, :third
Return a keyword which indicates the gender of entities related to word.
Possible values are nil
, :masculine
, :feminine
and :neuter
its | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-POSSESSIVE-ADJECTIVE "its" number:ANY gender:ANY person:THIRD refnumber:SINGULAR {1006E23043}> |
his | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-POSSESSIVE-ADJECTIVE "his" number:ANY gender:MASCULINE person:THIRD refnumber:SINGULAR {1006E23053}> |
her | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-POSSESSIVE-ADJECTIVE "her" number:ANY gender:FEMININE person:THIRD refnumber:SINGULAR {1006E23063}> |
Instances are quantifiers, that is determiners which specify count or amount of a noun.
enough | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-QUANTIFIER "enough" number:ANY {1006E22E53}> |
eleven | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-QUANTIFIER "eleven" number:PLURAL {1006E22E63}> |
either | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-QUANTIFIER "either" number:SINGULAR {1006E22E73}> |
Instances represent interjections, that is words which interrupt the sequence of words within a sentence or the sequence of sentences.
bye-bye | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-INTERJECTION "bye-bye" {1006E22343}> |
blimey | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-INTERJECTION "blimey" {1006E22353}> |
begorra | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-INTERJECTION "begorra" {1006E22363}> |
Direct instances represent generic nouns. Also a superclass for more specific noun classes.
The generic function gender can be applied to words of this class.
Return a keyword which indicates the grammatical case of word.
Possible values are :nominative
, :genitive
, :accusative
and :nominative-or-accusative
The generic function number can be applied to words of this class.
yellow-flags | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN "yellow-flag" number:PLURAL case:NIL gender:NIL {1003CFEAB3}> |
worrywarts | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN "worrywart" number:PLURAL case:NIL gender:NIL {1003CBA2D3}> |
woodrushes | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN "woodrush" number:PLURAL case:NIL gender:NIL {1003C9C663}> |
Instances are of type noun and also of type verb and are formed as a contraction of one noun and one verb.
’twould | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN-VERB-CONTRACTION "it would" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR tense:PRESENT-SIMPLE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:NIL case:NIL gender:NEUTER {1006E223E3}> |
’twill | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN-VERB-CONTRACTION "it will" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR tense:PRESENT-SIMPLE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:NIL case:NIL gender:NEUTER {1006E223F3}> |
’twas | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN-VERB-CONTRACTION "it was" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR tense:PAST negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:STRONG infinitive:NIL case:NIL gender:NEUTER {1006E22403}> |
Instances represent proper nouns, that is generally names.
Zaragozas | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Zaragoza" number:PLURAL case:NIL gender:NIL {1006E22C63}> |
Trinidad | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Trinidad" number:SINGULAR case:NIL gender:NIL {1006E22C73}> |
Sloughs | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Slough" number:PLURAL case:NIL gender:NIL {1006E22C83}> |
Instances represent prepositions, that is words which indicate the spatial, temporal, logical, etc. relations between other words.
although | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PREPOSITION "although" {1006E211C3}> |
alongside | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PREPOSITION "alongside" {1006E211D3}> |
albeit | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PREPOSITION "albeit" {1006E211E3}> |
Direct instances represent generic pronouns. Also a superclass for several more specific pronoun classes.
Return a Boolean which indicates whether the meaning of word is in some way negative.
If word is a verb, a true value indicates that the absence of the action represented by the verb.
If word is a pronoun, a true value indicates the complement of the set of entities for which the non negated pronoun would stand in.
The generic function case can be applied to words of this class.
The generic function gender can be applied to words of this class.
The generic function number can be applied to words of this class.
The generic function person can be applied to words of this class.
everyone | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PRONOUN "everyone" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE-OR-ACCUSATIVE negative:NIL {1006E21123}> |
everybody | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PRONOUN "everybody" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE-OR-ACCUSATIVE negative:NIL {1006E21133}> |
either | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PRONOUN "either" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE-OR-ACCUSATIVE negative:NIL {1006E21143}> |
Instances represent demonstrative pronouns, that is shorthand references which highlight an entity that is identifiable from the context.
there | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-DEMONSTRATIVE-PRONOUN "there" person:NIL number:ANY gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {100351B513}> |
that | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-DEMONSTRATIVE-PRONOUN "that" person:NIL number:ANY gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {10035032F3}> |
here | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-DEMONSTRATIVE-PRONOUN "here" person:NIL number:ANY gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {1006E22FA3}> |
Instances represent personal pronouns, that is shorthand references to a noun which designates a person.
he | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PERSONAL-PRONOUN "he" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR gender:MASCULINE case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {1006E22E23}> |
her | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PERSONAL-PRONOUN "her" person:THIRD number:SINGULAR gender:FEMININE case:ACCUSATIVE negative:NIL {1006E22E33}> |
I | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PERSONAL-PRONOUN "I" person:FIRST number:SINGULAR gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {1006E22E43}> |
Instances represent possessive pronouns, that is shorthand references to an object that is possessed by an entity which is identifiable from the context.
The generic function refnumber can be applied to words of this class.
theirs | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-POSSESSIVE-PRONOUN "theirs" person:THIRD number:ANY gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL refnumber:PLURAL {1003507833}> |
its | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-POSSESSIVE-PRONOUN "it" person:THIRD number:ANY gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL refnumber:SINGULAR {1006E23013}> |
his | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-POSSESSIVE-PRONOUN "his" person:THIRD number:ANY gender:MASCULINE case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL refnumber:SINGULAR {1006E23023}> |
Instances represent possessive pronouns, that is shorthand references that link the object back to the subject which is identifiable from the context.
yourselves | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-REFLEXIVE-PRONOUN "yourselves" person:SECOND number:PLURAL gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {1003D106C3}> |
yourself | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-REFLEXIVE-PRONOUN "yourself" person:SECOND number:SINGULAR gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {1003D10653}> |
thyself | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-REFLEXIVE-PRONOUN "thyself" person:SECOND number:SINGULAR gender:NIL case:NOMINATIVE negative:NIL {1003580A13}> |
Direct instances represent generic verbs. Also a superclass for more specific verb classes.
Return a keyword which indicates whether and which kind of infinitive word is.
Possible values are nil
, :self
and :to
Return a keyword which indicates the grammatical strength of word.
Only verb
instances have the strength property which is either weak or
strong. Weak means that the past tense of the verb is formed by adding a suffix
while strong means that the past tense form of the verb has a different stem
than the infinitive form.
Possible values are :weak
and :strong
Return a Boolean which indicates whether word is a contraction of two words.
For instances of the verb
class a true value of the contraction property
always goes together with a true value of the negative property. In other words
these contractions consist of the base verb and the word not as in won t.
The generic function negative can be applied to words of this class.
Return a keyword which indicates the time of the action for word.
Possible values
are nil
, :present-simple
, :progressive
, :past
, :perfect-participle
, :passive-perfect-participle
The generic function number can be applied to words of this class.
The generic function person can be applied to words of this class.
wannaed | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-VERB "wanna" person:ANY number:ANY tense:PERFECT-PARTICIPLE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:NIL {1003A6DCC3}> |
visaing | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-VERB "visa" person:ANY number:ANY tense:PROGRESSIVE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:NIL {10039FAF63}> |
validating | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-VERB "validate" person:ANY number:ANY tense:PROGRESSIVE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:NIL {10038FF693}> |
Instances are verbs that are formed as a contraction of two verbs.
might’ve | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-VERB-VERB-CONTRACTION "might have" person:ANY number:ANY tense:PRESENT-SIMPLE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:SELF {1006E22F53}> |
may’ve | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-VERB-VERB-CONTRACTION "may have" person:ANY number:ANY tense:PRESENT-SIMPLE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:SELF {1006E22F63}> |
could’ve | #<EXPLICIT-BASE-VERB-VERB-CONTRACTION "could have" person:ANY number:ANY tense:PRESENT-SIMPLE negative:NIL contraction:NIL strength:WEAK infinitive:SELF {1006E22F73}> |
Return the number of entries in dictionary.
(spell:entry-count spell::*english-dictionary*) ⇒ 347488
Call function for each entry in dictionary.
The lambda-list of function has to be compatible with
(spelling word)
where word is the word object of the entry and
spelling is the spelling of the entry as a string.
spelling is passed as a separate argument because it cannot be obtained from word.
(prog ((i 0)) (spell:map-entries (lambda (spelling word) (cond ((<= 7000 (incf i) 7005) (format t "~D ~10A ~A~%" i spelling word)) ((> i 10005) (return)))) spell::*english-dictionary*)) -| 7000 Highlander #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN "Highlander" number:SINGULAR case:NIL gender:NIL {101ACF7AF3}> -| 7001 Highlands' #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Highland" number:PLURAL case:GENITIVE gender:NIL {101AD086E3}> -| 7002 Highlands #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Highland" number:PLURAL case:NIL gender:NIL {101AD087C3}> -| 7003 Highland #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Highland" number:SINGULAR case:NIL gender:NIL {101AD088A3}> -| 7004 Hilary's #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Hilary" number:SINGULAR case:GENITIVE gender:NIL {101AD08983}> -| 7005 Hilarys' #<EXPLICIT-BASE-PROPER-NOUN "Hilary" number:PLURAL case:GENITIVE gender:NIL {101AD08A63}>
Return a (possibly empty) list of entries in dictionary the spelling of which matches string.
(spell:lookup "bright" spell::*english-dictionary*) ⇒ (#<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADVERB "bright" {101B1CE6B3}> #<EXPLICIT-BASE-ADJECTIVE "bright" degree:POSITIVE {101B1CE663}> #<EXPLICIT-BASE-NOUN "bright" number:SINGULAR case:NIL gender:NIL {101B1CE633}>)
Insert word into dictionary as an entry for string.
word must be an instance of word.
dictionary must be a mutable dictionary. A “raw” dictionary is mutable, a “compacted” dictionary is not mutable.
into ¶Turn the word information in source into into or a new dictionary and return that dictionary.
source can be a stream, a string or pathname or some other sequence. If source is a stream, it must be an open character input stream. The word information is read from the stream. If source is a string a pathname it is a designator for a file that should be opened and read. If source is some other sequence, the sequence elements must be of the types discussed above. The word information from all source is combined into one dictionary in that case.
If supplied, into must be a mutable dictionary into which the word information should be loaded. The function returns into in that case. Otherwise the function creates a new dictionary, loads the word information into it and returns it.
Jump to: | A B C D E G I L M N P Q R S T V W |
Jump to: | A B C D E G I L M N P Q R S T V W |
calls a supplied function for each entry in a
given dictionary.
file now uses the org-mode format. The examples have been
system is now an alias for the spell
system since the
improved memory footprint makes the former unnecessary.